“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
A. Hortman – AMRAP 45
800M Run
80 Air Squats
8 Ring Muscle Ups
Performance: 800M Run | 80 Air Squats | 8 Bar Muscle Ups or 24 C2B + 24 Ring Dips
Fitness: 800M Run | 80 Air Squats | 24 Pull Ups + 24 Push Ups
Fitness Light: AMRAP 30 – 400M Run | 40 Air Squats | 8 Burpee Jumping Pull Ups
A. Power Snatch
On The Minute
Wave 1: Min 1: 3 @ 60%, Min 2 2@65% Min 3: 1 @ 70% Min 4: Rest
Wave 2: Min 1: 3 @ 65%, Min 2 2@70% Min 3: 1 @ 75% Min 4: Rest
Wave 3: Min 1: 3 @ 70%, Min 2 2@75% Min 3: 1 @ 80%
B. 5 Rounds: 5 Power Snatches @70% | 50ft HS Walk
Granite Games Qualifiers: If you guys are interested, yesterdays workout was a Granite Games qualifier. We have a handful of athletes competing (Mario, Keith, Erik, Lew). There are individual, co-ed(teams of 4) and same sex teams of 3. If you are interested in trying to qualify to compete in Minnesota in September click here. Any questions ask Erik.