“I’m a workhorse. One-hundred percent thoroughbred, baby.” Stacie Tovar
A. 1 Clean and Jerk EMOM x 10
B AMRAP 25 – Teams of 3
100 Calorie Row, 100 Deadlifts @ 155/105
80 Cal Row, 80 Hang Power Cleans @ 155/105
60 Cal Row, 60 Front Squats @ 155/105
40 Cal Row, 40 Push Jerks @ 155/105
20 Cal Row, 20 Clusters @ 155/105
A. EMOM x10 – 7 OHS @ 95/65 then 7 T2B (both in the same minute)
B. Not for time. Choose an option below
A. 5×50 Unbroken DU’s
B. 5×40 Unbroken DU’s
C. 6×30 Unbroken DU’s
D. 6×20 Unbroken DU’s
E. 7×10 Unbroken DU’s
F. 8 Sets of :30 on, :30 of practice
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch – HS; 85%x1x3 OTM (% of HS)
B. Clean & Jerk – HS; 85% x (1+1) x 3 OTM (% of HS)
C. Front Squat – HS; 85%x2x3 (% of HS)
D. 5 Rounds: 12 Sec Max Effort Bike, 48 recovery air squats
E. 20 Strict Toes to Rings / 30 kipping Toes to rings / 60 Abmat Sit Ups