Saturday January 26, 2019

“You have to make your actions match your ambitions”

A. Divide and Conquer – Teams of 2
240 / 200 Cal Bike (between the two of you)

Partner A: 75 C2B
Partner B: 50 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95


Partner B: 75 C2B
Partner A: 50 Clean and Jerk @ 135/95

Performance: 240/200 Cal Bike | 50 C2B | 50 Clean and Jerk @ 135/95
Fitness: 4K / 3,200M Row | 50 Pull Ups | 50 Clean and Jerk @ 115/80
Fitness Light: 4K /3200M Row | 50 Ring Rows | 50 Clean and Jerk @ 95/65

Time Cap 30 Minutes

A. Clean & Jerk – HS
B. Back Squat – 5×3@80%
C. Clean Lift-Off – 3×3@110%
D. 10 minute row – On the 2/6/10 minute 40% of Max Ring Muscle Ups on the 4/8 50% of Max Ring Muscle Ups