The scoreboard doesn’t dictate your level of effort. Your level of effort should always be your best effort!
A. 1 Squat Snatch EMOM x 15
Min 1-5 @ 70%
Min 6-10 @ 75%
Min 11-15 @80%
B. Teams of 3: 20 Minute AMRAP
6 Unbroken Clean and Jerks @ 135/95
9 Box jumps 24/20
12 Calorie Row / Bike
Athlete A does a full round, then athlete B does a full round, then athlete C does a full round. One person working at a time
12 Minute EMOM
odd: 15 Power Snatches @ 75/55
even: 10 Cal on Assault Bike / 15 On Schwinn
Warlock Weightlifting:
Technique Primer: Tall Snatch – 3×3
Snatch – HS
Technique Primer: Tall Jerk + Push Jerk Bnk in Split – 3 x (3+3)
Clean & Jerk – HS
Front Squat – HS
Weighted Back Extension – 3×10
Ab Work of Choice – 6 sets