Saturday January 16, 2021

“Free yourself to try anything. The best ideas are revolutionary.” – Rick Rubin

Hey Team! Tomorrow there is only a 6:30 am and an 8 am. Thanks for your patience and understanding. I also included an at home version of this workout if you want to workout along at home. I know that’s where I’ll be 🙂 Please keep a close eye on Mindbody as our schedule may shift during this next week more than normal.

Min 1: Row Or Bike
Min 2: 3 Power Cleans  + 3 Push Jerk

Technique Work
Puppy Dog 

1 Power Clean and Jerk EMOM x 10

WOD: Heavy Machinery 5 Rounds:
Min 1: Cal Bike
Min 2: Pwr Cleans
Min 3: Max Burpees 
Min 4: Rest
Pwr Cleans @ 185/135

Bulletproof: 5 Rounds:
Min 1: Bike
Min 2: Deadlift
Min 3: Front Leaning Rest
Min 4: Rest
DL @ 185/135

At Home: 5 Rounds:
Min 1: 200M Run (30-45 seconds)
Min 2: Good Mornings (banded if possible)
Min 3: Burpees
Min 4: Rest