Saturday January 14, 2017


Just get started.

Good luck to our lifters at the Intrepid Meet!

A.  1 Clean and Jerk EMOM x 10

*No PR attempts till at least minute 7 or 8

B. Po-Town Throw Down Partner WOD  – 20 Minute AMRAP
200 KB Swings @53/35
150 KB Lunges @53/35
100 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
Every time you switch 20 Double Under Buy In

Warlock Weightlifting:

A. Snatch – 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1, heavy single
B. Clean & Jerk – 60%x2+1, 70%x2+1, 80%x1+1, 85%x1+1, 90%x1+1, heavy single
C. Back Squat – 75% x 2, 80% x 2 x 2, 85% x 2 x 2
D. Good Morning – 3×5