Saturday December 29, 2018

“Never let a good crisis go to waste. It’s the universe challenging you to learn something new and rise to the next level of your potential.” – Kristen Ulmer

A. “Saving Grace” Teams of 3
3 Rounds: 60 HSPU, 20 Bar Muscle Ups


30 Clean and Jerks @ 115/80
30 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95
30 Clean and Jerks @ 155/105
30 Clean and jerks @ 185/125
30 Clean and Jerks @ 205/145
30 Clean and Jerks @ 225/155

Performance: RX
Fitness: Dumbbell Push Press @ 50/35 | Burpee Pull Ups
Fitness Light: Dumbbell Push Press @ 35/20 | Burpee Jumping Pull Ups

Scaled Weights: 75/55 | 95/65 | 115/75 | 135/95 | 155/105

A. 4 Rounds: 15/12 Cal bike / 2 Rope Climbs