Good luck to all of our athletes competing at Festivus tomorrow at Mid-Hudson CrossFit in Highland. If you’re around please go support our fellow athletes. They’ll be competing from 9 am till around 3 pm.
Good luck to all of our athletes running in the Arlington Education Foundation 5K and Kids Races. If you are interested in running the race is at 8 am at Arlington High School. Click Here to view the flyer Warlock is one of the Sponsors along with Moriarty Physical Therapy. We will be there on the field.
“Smile and laugh to yourself because you love when things go wrong; the cold weather, the lack of warm up area, equipment breaks, it all plays to our advantage because we expect it and we embrace it.”
Primer: 3 Rounds
200M Run | 20 Seconds of Single Unders | 10 Scap Pull Ups | 10 Stiff Legged DL | 3 Dynamic Compression Drills
Strength / Skill: 7 x On The Every 1:30
25-50 Ft of HS Walk or 3 Wall Walks +
3 Deadlifts (climbing)
WOD: Glass Jaw – AMRAP 10
3 Deadlifts @ 225/155
9 T2B
27 Double Unders
Performance: DL @ 185/135 | T2B | 27 DU’s
Fitness: DL @ 155/105 | Knee’s to Elbows | 54 Single Unders
Fitness Light: DL @ 135/95 | Knee’s to Chest | 54 Single Unders
A. 21-18-15-12-9 Ski Erg or Bike | GHDSU
B. 10 x 35% of Max Set of Strict HSPU for Time