“Americans never quit.” —Douglas MacArthur
A. “Always Remembered”
Teams of 2:
2001 Meter Row Buy In then
4 Rounds of
9 Rope Climbs
11 Bear Complexes @ 135/95
2977 Meter Row Cash Out
1 Bear Complex:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
If biking 2.4 Mile Bike for buy in. 3.5 Mile bike cash out.
1. Snatch – 5×3@75
1A.Floating Halting Snatch Deadlift (mid-thigh) – 100%x3x3
2. Jerk – 5×3@75%
3. Back Squat – 5×3@75%
4. EMOM x 10 – Odd: 50 Double Unders / Even: 20GHDSU
Warlock Weightlifting: Week 9
1. Snatch – 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 90%, 90%
2. Clean & Jerk – 70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1 x 5
3. Back Squat – 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2
Weighted GHDSU – 3×15