*Tomorrow’s schedule has been modified. Please visit Mindbody for the full updated schedule.
“It’s not about accomplishing the task. It’s how you accomplish it.”
A. Tall Snatch 3×3 Light
B. Snatch – 3@75%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 3×1@90%
C. For Time:
50 Cal Row
25 T2B
100 OHS @ 45/35
25 T2B
50 Up and Over Box Jumps @ 24/20
Jerk – 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x1x3
Pause Front Squat + Front Squat – 70% x (1+1) x 5
3 Rounds: 10 Weighted Back Extension, Max Effort L-Sit, Max Effort Tuck Ups
Warlock Weightlifting:
Technique Primer: Tall Snatch – 3 x 3 (light)
1. Snatch – 75%x3x5
2. Jerk – 75%x3x5
3. Back Squat – 75%x3x5
4. Floating Halting Snatch Deadlift (mid-thigh) – 100%x3x3
Midline: Weighted Back Extension 3×10, Hanging Leg Raise – 4 x max (30 reps minimum), Reverse Crunch – 3 x max