Monday October 29, 2018

“It takes an uncommon amount of humility for anyone to submit themselves to doing things they’re bad at every single day. It takes extraordinary humility to continue to work your weaknesses because it’s an admission that you’re not the best, or even very good, at some things.”

A. 3 Hang Squat Cleans + Push Jerk x 5

B. Rise Up – AMRAP 18 (last tested August 29)
100 Double Unders
12 Clean and Jerks @ 185/135
100 Double Unders
12 Bar Muscle Ups

Performance: 100Du’s | 135/95 | Chest to bar
Fitness 100 Single Unders | 115/75 | Pull ups
Fitness light 100 Single Unders | 95/65 | Ring Rows

1. Back Squats 3×10 @ 60%
2. Hang Clean Pull (Below Knee @ 80%) 3×5
3. Weighted Plank: 20 Seconds on / 10 seconds of x 4