“Don’t stop when you want to quit, stop when you’re done. Make that your identity and there’s nothing you can’t do.” – Tom Bilyeu
Primer: 3 Rounds: 1 Minute Bike | 30 Second Lunges | 30 Second Developing Country Squat
Skill: 2×5 Tempo Squats | 10 Scap Pull Ups | Ankle Mobility Work
Strength: Back Squat – Find a heavy single then
2×10@50% of Heavy Single
Conditioning: AMRAP 8
45 Thrusters @ 95/65
45 Toes to Bar
45 Power Cleans @95/65
45 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Performance: RX
Fitness: Thrusters and Cleans @ 75/55 | Knee’s to elbows | Pull Ups
Fitness Light: Thrusters and Cleans @ 65/45 | Knee’s to Chest | Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows
10 x 40% Max Strict HSPU Set
Back Squat 5×3 (push hard, no failed reps)
Jerk Behind the neck from Split (3 sec hold in split) – 4×5 @ 45% of Split Jerk
Push Press Bnk – 3×8 @60%
Back Squat Jump – 3×5 @20%
GHDSU – 3 x Max