Monday, May 14, 2018

“Turn your goal into an absolute obsession.”

A. Back Squat – 8@75%, 6@80%, 4@85%, 2@90%, 8@80%

B. For Time:
15 Power Snatch @ 135/95
30 Wallball @ 20/14
45 T2B
30 Wallball @ 20/14
15 Power Snatches @135/95

12 Minute Time Cap

Performance = Squat Snatch @ 115 /75
Fitness = Squat Snatch @ 95/65 / Knee’s to Elbows / WB @ 14/10
Fitness Light: = Squat Snatch @ 65/45 / Knee’s to Chest / WB @ 14/10

A. Split Jerk (3 sec hold in split) – 70%x3, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 85%x2
B. 3 Rounds: 1K Row, 40 Push Ups

Warlock Weightlifting:
3×12 Single Leg Negatives
3×12 Single Leg KB Deadlifts
3×12 Glute Bridges (feet on bench)

A. Back Squat – 3×10
B. hang Snatch – 5×2
C. Snatch Pull – 4×3 (Straight arms)
D. Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat – 5x 1+1