Monday March 25, 2019

Deload doesn’t mean easy, don’t get the two confused. The goal is to pull back the volume and intensity to move with purpose this week. You will feel good by Wednesday / Thursday. Stay disciplined, stay the course.

“It’s simple: a good quality squat will always beat a heavy squat with poor technique” – Squat University

Primer – 3 Rounds: 12 Warrior Squats | 16 Single Leg Step Ups (8 Per side) | 20 Banded Step Overs

A. Pause Back Squats 5×3 (3-5 Second pause at the bottom x 3)

B. AMRAP 18:
30 Double Unders + 30 Single Arm Push Press @ 50/35
30 Double Unders + 30 Wallball @20/14

Performance = RX
Fitness: DB @ 35/20 | WB @ 14/10
Fitness Light: 45 Single Unders | DB @35/20 | WB @ 14/10


19.5: 33-27-21-15-9 of Thrusters and C2BPU

Bonus: Crossover Iron Scap Protocol | ROMWOD