“If you want to run with the bulls you can’t be riding fucking ponies” – Conor Nugent
*Congratulations to Kelly for representing Warlock and taking second at her Power Lifting meeting down at CrossFit Klew in NJ! She weighed in at 119.7 lbs crushing the following lifts: Bench 132.2 (PR) | Squat 214.9 |Deadlift 292.1 (PR). Special thanks to Hannah for taking the trip down and helping Kelly stay focused the entire day!
A. Power Snatches 2 EMOM x 8
B. “Diamond” AMRAP 15
15 Hang Power Snatches @ 115/75
15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
15 Overhead Squats @ 115/75
75 Double Unders
Performance @ 95/65
Fitness @ 75/55 | 150 Single Unders
Fitness Light @ 65/45 | 150 Single Unders
*If you’re working on Double Unders take 90 seconds to practice.
Back Squat – 5×3@75%
Floating Halting Snatch Deadlift (mid-thigh) – 3×3@100%
For Time: 1-10 – Sandbag Cleans and Cal Row