Monday December 11, 2017

“A strength and conditioning regimen devoid of gymnastics practice and skills is deficient.”

A. 4 Rounds:
6 Ring Muscle Ups (C2B)
15 V-Ups
5 Deadlifts
2 Minute Rest

B. For Time:
1500M Row or 1.8 Mile Bike
100 Double Unders (Scaled 200 Single Unders)
50 Front Squats @ 135/95 (Scaled 95/65)
100 Double Unders (200 Single Unders)
1500M Row or 1.8 Mile Bike

Snatches 2×2 @70,75 and 80%

Warlock Weightlifting:

A. Snatch – 82% x 1 x 5 OTM, 87% x 1 x 5 OTM, 92% x 1 x 5 OTM – If after these 15 sets on the minute you feel good, continue to a heavy single with a max of 5 more singles with a max of 2 min rest
B. Snatch Pull – 95%x3, 100%x3, 95%x3
C. Halting Snatch Deadlift (knee) + Finish + Floating Snatch Deadlift – 90% x (2+1+1), 95% x (2+1+1), 90% x (2+1+1)
D. Back Squat – 85%x3x3