Monday December 10, 2018

“Just when you body has all the answers, you have to change the questions.” – Lou

A. Back Squat

B. “Freddy Krueger”
KB Swings @ 70/53
Burpees Over Bar

*Our Warlock Holiday Party is Saturday December 15 at 7 pm at Ice House in Poughkeepsie. Appetizers, Beer and Wine Open bar until 10 pm. Feel free to bring your significant other. Cost is $40 per person. Please sign up with one of the coaches at the front desk by this Wednesday so we have an accurate head count for the venue.

A. Front Squats 3×4

B. 5x AMRAP 90
20/14 Cal Row + Max Effort Strict HSPU.

* 30 seconds rest after each round. Rounds 1,2,3 Strict HSPU. Rounds 4,5 Kipping HSPU