“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” – Marcus Aurelius
Primer: 2 Rounds: 1 Minute Row | 6 Scap Retractions | 5 Walkouts | 4 Spidermans | 3 Russian Baby Makers
Skill: Tabata Alternating efforts: OHS | Pause Back Squat Empty BB
Strength Pause Back Squat – 6×2 (climbing)
AMRAP 9 – Domain
30 Cal Row
15 DB Snatches @70/50
30 T2B
Performance: DB Snatch @ 50/35
Fitness: DB Snatch @40/25 | Knee’s to Elbows
Fitness Light: DB Snatch @ 35/20 | Knee’s to Chest
A. 3 Rds: 50% of Max RMU | 100 Ft DB OH Lunges | Rest 2 Minutes
B. 3 Rds: 21 GHDSU | 15 DB Bench Press | 9 Strict C2B