“I want you to do your best all the time, but I also want you to remember that your best is going to change from moment to moment, from hour to hour, from year to year. Your best is not a finite, fixed moment. Your best is fluid, and dependent upon so many factors including your nutrition, your sleep and your emotional health, in addition to your physical state. You can do your best on one day and set a PR, but you can also do your best on another day and come in last.
So, pay attention to all those factors, and use the dimmer switch as you need to. Turn the power up, and then turn it down. Let it hover in the middle sometimes. But you have to figure this out for you. N one else can really tell you what level to be at, or how to get yourself there. A coach can help, but it’s really up to you to figure out what you can handle and how hard you should go. And there’s one thing i want you to remember: you won’t PR every day, and that’s okay.” – Lisbeth Darsh
A. From 0-3 Minutes
3 Rounds – 3 Pull Ups, 6 Push Ups, 9 Air Squats
From 3-6 Minutes
3 Rounds – 4 Pull Ups, 8 Push Ups, 12 Air Squats
From 6-9 Minutes
3 Rounds – 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air squats
From 9-12 Minutes
3 Rounds – 6 Pull Ups, 12 Push Ups, 18 Air Squats
From 12-15 Minutes
3 Rounds – 7 Pull Ups, 14 Push Ups, 21 Air Squats
From 15-18 minutes
3 Rounds – 8 Pull Ups, 16 Push Ups, 24 Air Squats
From 18-21 Minutes
3 Rounds – 9 Pull Ups, 18 Push Ups, 27 Air Squats
From 21-24 Minutes
3 Rounds – 10 Pull Ups, 20 Push Ups, 30 Air Squats
5 Minutes Rest
10 Minutes to Find a 1 RM Front Squat