Nicole Puckette will be in today from 5:30 am – Noon taking pictures that we will be use on the website. Feel free to rock your favorite Warlock gear.
“The best make everyone around them better.” – Jon Gordon
A. Push Press – 10 minutes to build to a heavy single
B. “Sore Eyes” – AMRAP 20
20 Wallball @ 20/14
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 75/55
20 Box jumps @ 24/20
20 Push Presses @75/55
20/14 Cal Row or Bike
A. AMRAP 3 – Tempo Strict HSPU directly into AMRAP 2 Strict HSPU
* Tempo HSPU 3 second negative to bottom position
B. AMRAP 5 for quality: 1 Ring Muscle Up + 3 Ring Dips
C. Accumulate the following:
2 min Chin Over bar Hold, 2 Min GHD Supine Hold, 2 Min Chi over Bar hold. Every break instead of 2 minutes = 50 Double Unders.
HS Academy: Friday Aerobic Capacity Rowing. Saturday you will have a different rowing workout. Sunday is a rest day.
Part 1:
5x 2 minute row with 30 seconds rest between reps
Rest 3 Minutes once 5 rounds are complete
Part 2:
5x 1 Minute row with 1 Minute rest between reps
Rest 3 Minutes
Part 3:
5×30 Second row with 2 min rest between reps
This is a pacing based workout that will test your ability to feel a moderate, fast and sprint rowing pace.
Record the meters you rowed during the 2 min. Your goal in the next 4 intervals is to match your round 1 meters without looking at your monitor. Give yourself 1 point for each meter you miss below your first round distance. Continue for parts 2 and 3