“Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t” – Jerry Rice
*Saturday we’re hosting our Annual Warlock Summer Smash. There will be no classes Saturday July 21. Come hang out for a fun day of fitness, community and competition.
A. Snatch + Hang Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats (Build to a heavy)
B. 16.5
For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Thrusters @ 95/65
Bar Facing Burpees
Performance = RX
Fitness: @ 75/55
Fitness Light: @65/45 (Starts at 18’s)
*15 Minute time cap
Bonus: 50 Strict C2B. Everytime you break 10 GHDSU
Muscle Up
1. Ring Warm Up
2. 3 Sets False Grip Pull Up Hangs at bottom 10-30 Seconds
3. 8 x 3 Baby Muscle Ups at slow speed