“Usain Bolt has won 9 gold medals in 3 Olympics. In those 3 Olympics he has run less than 2 minutes on the track. For those 2 minutes he trained for 20 + years. Greatness takes patience”
A. Overhead Squats 5×3
B. “Twenty Something” – AMRAP 20
30 Overhead Squats @ 95/65
30 Box Jumps @ 24/20
30 Toes To bar
30 Cal Row
Performance: RX
Fitness: Overhead Squats @ 75/55 | Box Jumps @ 24/20 | Knee’s to Elbows | 30 Cal Row
Fitness Light: Overhead Squats @ 65/45 | Box Step ups @ 24/20 | Knee’s to Chest | 30 Cal Row
A. Snatch Grip Push Press 5@70,5@75, 3×5@80%
B. For Time:
50 DU’s + 20 Ft HS Walk + 50 Sit Ups + 20 Ft HS Walk
40 DU’s + 20 Ft HS Walk + 40 Sit Ups + 20 Ft HS Walk
30 DU’s + 20 Ft HS Walk + 30 Sit Ups + 20 Ft HS Walk
20 DU’s + 20 Ft HS Walk + 20 Sit Ups + 20 Ft HS Walk
10 DU’s + 20 Ft HS Walk + 10 Sit Ups + 20 Ft HS Walk
C. 3 Super Sets – 21 Close Grip push ups + 12 Chest supported row
D. 3 Super Sets – 16 Face down DB Reverse Flys + Max Effort L Sit