Click Here to view all the details on 19.1
Premier Sponsored by Major Abstract Corporation (Eric Gillman)
Hospitality Provided by Ryan Arket Associate Real Estate Broker
Friday Night Lights 5 pm. Complete 19.1 with your friends. Athlete briefing starts at 5 pm and the first heat kicks off at 5:20. Heat assignments / judging assignments will be up on the website by 1 pm on Friday.
Saturday Recovery @ 10 am. Recover after a hard workout with Mobility with Melissa out on the turf. Mobility and Range of motion work will be targeted based off of 19.1
*If you are interested in Judging Please email
19.1 – AMRAP 15
19 Wallball @20/14
19 Cal Row
Scaled: Wallball @ 14/10. You are responsible for knowing your specific variation for your division. A full break down can be found @, on Games website and or Games Score Card hanging up on the board at the gym.