Friday December 7, 2018

“Mental toughness is not what people think. Toughness is stepping on a nail and continuing to move forward. Mental toughness is staying committed to the process regardless of what’s going on around you.”

30 DU + 3 Bar Muscle Ups

2 Minute Rest

30 DU + 3 Bar Muscle Ups

If you don’t have bar muscle ups you will use this as an EMOM to practice Double Unders and a skill based movement.

1. Standing Bar Muscle Up Drill 2. Initial Hollow (Kip Swing) 3. Bar Muscle Up on Box

B. “Babs” 3 Rounds For Time:
15 C2BPU
25 Wallball @ 20/14
30/21 Cal Row

Performance = RX
Fitness: 15 Pull Ups | 20 DB Push Press @ 50/35 | 25 WB @ 14/10 | 21/15 Cal Bike
Fitness Light: 15 Ring Rows | 20 DB Push Press @35/20 | 25 WB @ 14/10 | 21/15 Cal Bike

A. 10 Minute Window: 5 Strict T2B / 25Ft HS Walking
B. Bike 3 Rounds: 3 Minutes Light | 2 Minutes Moderate | 1 Minute Fast (no rest between rounds)