“If you are not nervous maybe you are not training hard enough…”
A. 5 RM Back Squat
B. 12 Minute AMRAP
2 Rounds of:
16 Front Rack Lunges @ 115/75
16 C2B
8 Power Cleans @ 115/75
2 Rounds of
16 Front Rack Lunges @115/75
16 Bar Muscle Ups
8 Power Cleans @ 115/75
A. 100 Push Ups for Time:
B. EMOM x28: Min 1: 15 Cal Bike, Min 2: 15 Cal Row, Minute 3: 15 GHSU, Minute 4: Easy Bike
Warlock Weightlifting: Rest Day
*Save the Date*
September 1st – Warlock Golf Outing at Apple Greens. Tee Time is at 9:30 am. Sign Up at the Front Desk.