“If you want to be great, you’ll have to sacrifice your comfort”
A. Every 4 Minutes x 4 Rounds
4 Back Squats @75% then 15 unbroken T2B
B. EMOM x 18
odd: 15 Cal Row / 12 Cal Row
even: 15 Wallball @ 20/14
Power Snatch – 5×3@70%
Push Press – 5×5@70%
Snatch Pull – 5×3@90%
3 Rounds – 15 Back Extension / 30 Sec Weighted Plank / Seated Plate Twist – 15/side
Warlock Weightlifting: Recovery Day
Crossover Symmetry
1. 5×3 Min Easy / Moderate Bike followed by 5 Bench Press
2. 5×3 Min Easy / Moderate Row followed by 30 Second Plank