Tuesday October 12, 2021

“We discourage failure and by doing so, we subtly discourage success.” – Janna Levin

Rowing Warm Up: 
14 Minutes of Rowing Efficiency and Strategy

Specific Warm Up:
4 sets:
20 Seconds Row
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Wall balls
10 Seconds Rest

For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
15 Wall Balls @20/14
-Row until you accumulate 2000/1600m

Time: 18 Minutes
Loading: 2/5
Skill: 3/5
Volume: 3/5

For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
15 Wall Balls @16/10
-Row until you accumulate 1600/1200m

For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
15 Wall Balls @10/8
-Row until you accumulate 1200/900m

Limited Equipment: 
For Time:
500 Double Unders
EMOM Perform 7 DB Squats

Movement scaling options: 
Row: Distance
Wall Balls: Load, Front Squat, Push Press

Cool down: 
3 sets:
30 Russian Twists
20 Alt. Single Leg Deadlifts @20/14