Warm Up:
Burgener snatch warm-up:
2 sets:
10 dip-drive
10 dip-drive shrug
10 dip-drive shrug elbows high and outside
10 muscle snatch
10 overhead squats
10 hang power snatches
10 power snatches
Focus on hitting positions over increasing load.
Begin first set with a PVC. Try the second set with an empty bar.
Plyo Warm-Up:
1 set:
:10 bunny hops in place
25-ft bunny hop
:10 high knees in place
25-ft high knees
:10 butt kickers in place
25-ft butt kickers
8 rounds for time:
400-m run
Rest 1:30
Same as Rx
8 rounds for time:
200-m run
Rest 1:30
Movement scaling options:
Run: Distance, row, ski, or C2 bike, or air bike
Alternate Workout:
8 rounds for time:
Run, bike, row, or ski
– Rest 1:30
Cool down:
3 sets:
:30 foam roll calves/side
:30 T-spine foam roll