Tuesday June 21, 2022

“Be there energy you want to attract.” -Anonymous

Warm Up: 
1 set:
20 alternating box step-ups (10/leg)
16 single arm DB row (8/side)
8 knee push-ups

1 set:
20 box jumps (20/24)
16 single arm DB row (8/side)
8 push-ups

1 set:
10 box jumps (24/30)
16 single arm DB row (8/side)
8 deficit push-ups (using DBs)

Specific Warm-Up:
Muscle-Up Progression

For total reps:
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :30 box jumps (24/30 in)
Min. 2 | Muscle-ups

For total reps:
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :30 box jumps (20/24 in)
Min. 2 | Low ring muscle-up transitions

For total reps:
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :30 box step-ups (12/20 in)
Min. 2 | Banded pull-ups

Movement scaling options: 
Box: Height, plate hop, jumping jack, step-up.
Muscle-up: Low ring transitions, banded low ring muscle-up, banded pull-up.

Limited equipment:
EMOM 14:
Min. 1 | :30 Broad Jumps
Min. 2 | Burpee pull-ups

Post-Workout Skill Work:
On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a heavy 3-rep strict chest-to-bar pull-up
– Add load by holding a DB between the legs