Tuesday April 6, 2021

“You get what you work for, not what you wish for.” -Anonymous

6 Minutes for Quality: 

10 Lunges 
10 Sit Ups 
5  Clean and Press
5 Inch Worms

EMOM x 9
0-3: 8 Bent over row with 3s negative
3-6: 30s Hollow hold
6-9: 8 Push Ups with 3s negative

GYM WOD: This Little Piggy
3 Rounds:
500M Row 
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Power Clean and Jerks @ 185/135

If you’re in the qualifier you have 21 T2B instead of KB Swings 

Time Cap 18 Minutes 


Dumbbell Version:
400M Run
22 Single DB Snatches
12 Double DB Clean and Jerks

Bulletproof Shoulders:
500M Row 
60s Dead Hang
12 Deadlifts

400M Run
21 V-Ups
12 PVC Clean and Jerks