Thursday November 3, 2022

‘You need to be unreasonable to see a world that doesn’t exist yet” – Will G 

Warm Up: 
On 6:00 clock:
20 single-unders
10 banded side-steps each direction
10 alternating leg crossovers
10 alternating standing quad stretches
5 alternating elbow-up front rack stretches (bar or PVC)
5 stiff leg deadlift + squats

Skill Work: 
8 sets:
:20 double-unders
– Rest :10

5 rounds for time:
11 front squats (95/135 lb)
55 double-unders

5 rounds for time:
11 front squats (65/95 lb)
1:00 double-unders

5 rounds for time:
11 front squats (35/45 lb)
1:00 single-unders

5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
20 weighted step-ups (20″)
10 lateral DB burpees
Max-rep DB hang power cleans
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
20 weighted step-ups (20″)
10 lateral burpees over an object (6″)
Max-rep weighted sit-ups
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

Movement scaling options:
Front squats: loading, 6-reps, DB front squats
Double-unders: :45-1:00 cap, half reps, single-unders

Partner option:
5 rounds for time:
11 front squats (95/135 lb)
55 double-unders
– Alternate rounds until each athlete has completed 5 rounds.

Cool down: 
2 sets:
:30 foam roll IT band/leg
:30 lacrosse ball roll/foot