Thursday May 25, 2023

“There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.” -Zig Ziglar 

Warm Up: 
2 sets:
200-m run
:30 “strict”burpees
10 kip swings

Specific Warm-Up:
On a 5:00 clock:
3 sets:
1-3 strict muscle-ups or low-ring transitions
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.

For time:
7 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
5 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
3 strict muscle-ups
800-m run

Intended Stimulus: 14-21 Minutes

For time:
3 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
2 strict muscle-ups
800-m run
1 strict muscle-ups
800-m run

For time:
7 muscle-up transitions
600-m run
5 muscle-up transitions
600-m run
3 muscle-up transitions
600-m run

For time:
12 wall walks
800-m run
9 wall walks
800-m run
6 wall walks
800-m run

Movement scaling options:
Strict muscle-up: Reps, low-ring transitions
Run: Distance, substitutions

No equipment option:
For time:
150-ft handstand walk
800-m run
100-ft handstand walk
800-m run
50-ft handstand walk
800-m run

Cool down:
1 set:
1:30 couch stretch/leg
1:00 lacrosse ball tricep mash/side