Warm Up:
1 set:
:30 single-unders
10 inchworm + push-ups
:30 single-unders (fast)
10 PVC pass-throughs
1 set:
:20 left-leg, single-leg single-unders
10 scap pull-ups
:20 right-leg, single-leg single-unders
10 ring rows
1 set:
:30 double-unders
5 dive-bomber push-ups
:30 double-unders (fast)
5 single-arm ring rows/arm
Specific Warm Up:
1 set:
5 strict pull-ups
5 weighted pull-ups (light)
4 weighted pull-ups (moderate)
3 weighted pull-ups (heavy)
– Rest 1:00 between sets and build in load to athletes’ starting loads.
For time:
30 pull-ups
200 double-unders
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Time Cap: 10 Minutes
For time:
20 pull-ups
2:00 double-unders
20 pull-ups
For time:
20 jumping pull-ups
200 single-unders
20 ring rows
Movement scaling options:
Pull-ups: Reps, jumping pull-ups, banded pull-ups, ring rows
Double-unders: Reps, single-unders
Chest to bar pull-ups: Reps, kipping pull-ups, feet-elevated ring rows
Limited equipment:
30 DB bent-over rows
200 double-unders
30 DB hang power cleans
– Push for large, unbroken sets, even at the cost of reaching failure.
Post-workout Skill Work:
On an 8:00 clock:
Every 2:00 x 4 sets
4 weighted pull-ups