Warm Up:
1 set:
:20 jumping jacks
– Rest :10
:20 plank hold
– Rest :10
:20 jumping pull-ups
– Rest :10
:20 sit-ups
– Rest :10
1 set:
:20 jumping jacks
– Rest :10
:20 push-ups
– Rest :10
:20 kip swings
– Rest :10
:20 alternating v-ups
– Rest :10
1 set:
:20 jumping jacks
– Rest :10
:20 hand-release push-ups
– Rest :10
:20 pull-ups
– Rest :10
:20 v-ups
– Rest :10
Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
3 toes-to-bars
3 hand-release push-ups
3 pull-ups
– Rest :30 between sets.
10 rounds for time:
7 toes-to-bars
7 hand-release push-ups
7 pull-ups
Time Cap: 13 Minutes
10 rounds for time:
5 toes-to-bars
5 hand-release push-ups
5 pull-ups
10 rounds for time:
7 hanging knee raises
7 knee hand-release push-ups
7 ring rows
Movement scaling options:
Toes to bar: Knees-to-armpits, hanging knee raises, v-ups
Hand release push ups: Hand-release push-ups (from knees), push-ups (hands on a 30-inch box), DB floor press
Pull-ups: Jumping pull-ups, ring rows
Scale-up option: chest-to-bar pullups
Partner option:
18 rounds:
7 toes-to-bars
7 hand-release push-ups
7 pull-ups
Post-workout Skill Work:
30 weighted strict pull-ups
– Use a weight you can maintain sets of 5 or more reps.