Thursday August 18, 2022

“There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them.” -Anonymous

Warm Up: 
2 sets:
200-m run
10 samson lunges
10 PVC pass throughs
10 scap pull
3-5 strict pull-ups or 10 ring rows
5 consecutive box step-ups/leg
– Control the negative of the box step-ups.

Specific Warm-Up: 
1 set:
6 box jumps (slow)
6 front rack KB lunges
6 box jumps (fast)
6 suitcase KB lunges
– Step down from the box

5 rounds for time:
20 box jumps (20/24 in)
16 single KB lunges (53/70 lb)
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Athletes must step down from the top of the box.

Time Cap: 18 min

5 rounds for time:
20 box jumps (20/24 in)
16 single KB lunges (26/44 lb)
12 pull-ups
– Athletes must step down from the top of the box.

4 rounds for time:
20 box step-ups (12/20 in)
16 single KB lunges (18/26 lb)
12 jumping pull-ups
– Athletes must step down from the top of the box.

5 rounds for time:
20 jumps to an object
16 single DB lunges
12 double DB bent over rows
– Athletes must step down from the top of the object.

5 rounds for time:
20 jumps to an object
16 weighted lunges
12 weighted sit-ups
– Athletes must step down from the top of the object.

Movement scaling options: 
Box jumps: height
Single KB lunges: load, step-ups, single leg deadlifts
Chest to bar pull ups: reps, chin-over-bar pull-ups, jumping C2B, ring rows.

Partner option:
For time w/ a partner:
200 box jumps (20/24 in)
160 single KB lunges (53/70 lb)
120 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Athletes must step down from the top of the box.
– Split the work as needed with one partner working at a time.

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
Every 2:00 for 3 sets:
:30 max-rep seated leg raise
10 KB side bends/side