Warm Up:
3 sets:
:30 bike (easy)
:20 bike (moderate)
:10 bike (fast)
2 sets:
10 banded pass-throughs
10 band pull-aparts
10 scap pull-ups
10 scap push-ups
:30 bike (workout pace)
– Rest :10-:20 between movements.
Specific Warm-Up:
1 set:
:15 toe-assisted dead hang hold
:15 hold the bottom of the air squat
:15 pike hold
:15 hold the bottom of the air squat
:15 toe-assisted ring support hold
1 set:
:15 toe-assisted dead hang hold (less support)
10 air squats
:15 feet-elevated pike hold
10 walking lunges
:15 toe-assisted ring support hold (less support)
1 set:
:15 dead hang hold
10 jumping air squats
:15 handstand hold
10 alternating jumping lunges
:15 ring support hold
4 rounds for time:
10/15-cal bike
:30 accumulated dead hang hold
10/15-cal bike
:30 accumulated handstand hold
10/15-cal bike
:30 accumulated ring support hold
Intended Stimulus: 14:00-20:00
4 rounds for time:
8/12-cal bike
:30 accumulated dead hang hold
8/12-cal bike
:30 accumulated handstand hold
8/12-cal bike
:30 accumulated ring support hold
4 rounds for time:
6/9-cal bike
:15 accumulated toe-assisted dead hang hold
6/9-cal bike
:15 accumulated pike hold
6/9-cal bike
:15 accumulated toe-assisted ring support hold
Home Workout:
4 rounds for time:
200-meter run
:30 accumulated hollow hold
200-meter run
:30 accumulated handstand hold
200-meter run
:30 accumulated high-plank hold
Movement scaling options:
Bike: Cals
Dead hang hold: Toe-assisted dead hang hold
Handstand hold: Feet-elevated pike hold, pike hold, plank hold
Ring support hold: Toe-assisted ring support hold
Cool down:
1 set:
200-meter recovery walk
1 set:
1:00 lacrosse ball chest mash/side
1:00 lacrosse ball shoulder mash/side