Sunday October 30, 2022

“The earth has music for those who listen.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
:20 jumping jacks
:20 kip swings
:20 plank hold (on hands)
:20 unweighted good mornings
:20 plank shoulder taps
– Rest :10-:20 between intervals.

1 set:
:20 jumping jacks
:20 kipping leg raises
:20 ring support hold
:20 arch-ups (supermen)
:20 bear crawl
– Rest :10-:20 between intervals.

1 set:
:20 knees-to-chest
:20 jumping ring dips
– Rest :10-:20 between intervals.

2 sets:
:30 toes-to-bars
:30 ring dips
– Rest :20 between intervals.

Specific Warm-Up: 
Handstand Walk Practice

For reps:
1:30 max reps toes-to-bars
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps ring dips
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps hip and back extension
1:00 rest
1:30 max distance handstand walk

For reps:
1:30 max reps knees-to-armpits
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps ring dips
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps hip extension
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps shoulder taps against a wall

For reps:
1:30 max reps hanging knee raises
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps push-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps good mornings (empty barbell or training bar)
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps shoulder taps in a plank

For reps:
1:30 max reps v-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps push-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 DB good mornings
1:00 rest
1:30 max distance handstand walk
1:00 rest

For reps:
1:30 max reps v-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps push-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 weighted good mornings
1:00 rest
1:30 max distance handstand walk
1:00 rest

Movement scaling options:
Toes to bar: Knees-to-armpits, hanging knee raises, lying leg raises
Ring dip: Feet-assisted, banded assisted, bench dips, push-ups
Hip and back extension: Back extension, hip extension, erector crunch
Handstand walk: Wall walks, handstand shoulder taps, plank shoulder taps

Limited equipment option:
1:30 max reps v-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps push-ups
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps supermen
1:00 rest
1:30 max distance handstand walk
1:00 rest

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
1 set:
Max distance double-KB farmers carry
– Use a pair of KBs that you can perform at least 200-meters.