Warm Up:
1 set:
200-m run
10 Samson lunges
:30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom)
:30 ring support hold
:30 ring rows
1 set:
200-m run
10 alternating spiderman stretches
:30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom)
:30 strict ring dips
:30 strict pull-ups
1 set:
200-m run
10 hamstring scoops/leg
:30 PVC overhead squats (pause in the bottom)
:30 strict ring dips
:30 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
Specific Warm-Up:
Muscle-Up Progression
For time:
30 ring muscle-ups
Intended Stimulus: 5-10 Minutes
For time:
15 ring muscle-ups
For time:
30 low ring muscle-up transitions
For time:
30 wall walks
Movement scaling options:
Ring muscle-up: Volume, foot-assisted low-ring transitions with a variety of foot positions
Post-Workout Skill Work:
3 sets:
5-15 GHD back extensions
– Rest as needed.