Sunday June 2, 2024

“You are enough, just as you are.” -Meghan Markle 

Warm Up: 
2:00 row, bike, or ski

1 set:
10 alternating spiderman stretches
5 push-ups to down dog
10 air squats, slow and controlled
5 push-ups to down dog
10 reverse lunges
5 push-ups to down dog
10 single-leg squats or air squats

Gymnastics Practice:
On a 10:00 clock:
Work on chosen gymnastics skill

Conditioning challenge:
20:00 to establish max meters on a machine of your choice.

Restest from June 30, 2023

Same as Rx

Same as Rx

Movement scaling options:
Machine of choice: Pace

Cool down:
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll upper back
1:00 foam roll calves