Sunday June 16, 2024

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Warm Up: 
1 set:
200-meter run (slow)
:30 Samson stretch/side
200-meter run (moderate pace)
25-ft bear crawl
25-ft Samson lunges
25-ft Spiderman twist
25-ft Inchworm + push-up
25-ft crab walk (focus on maintaining high hips)
25-ft burpee broad jump
25-ft high knees
25-ft butt kickers
200-meter run (fast/stride)

Specific Warm-Up:
Rowing Efficiency Practice

8 rounds with a partner:
400-m run
Max-calorie row
– One partner runs while the other rows for max calories. Athletes switch when the runner returns. Each partner will run and row four times.

Intended Stimulus: 14-22 Minutes

Same as Rx

6 rounds with a partner:
400-m run
Max-calorie row
– One partner runs while the other rows for max calories. Athletes switch when the runner returns. Each partner will run and row three times.

Home Workout: 
8 rounds with a partner:
400-meter run
Max step-ups (20/24 in) (20/30 lb)
– One partner runs while the other AMRAPs step-ups. Athletes switch when the runner returns. Each partner will perform 4 rounds of running and step-ups.

Movement scaling options:
Run: Rounds, substitutions
Row: Rounds, max-calorie ski or bike

Cool down:
1:00 foam roll calf/leg