Sunday January 15, 2023

“The best is yet to come.” -Frank Sinatra 

Warm Up: 
Each drill down 50-ft and back:
High knee karaoke
Over the hurdle
Knee to chest
Figure four
Lunge with a pause and reach up
Lunge with a torso twist
Toe touch kick
High knees
Butt kicks
Straight leg drill
Side step + jumping jack

1 round:
Partner 1: run 100-m, moderate pace
Partner 2: run 100-m, moderate pace
Partner 1: run 100-m, faster pace
Partner 2: run 100-m, faster pace
Partner 1: run 100-m, fast pace
Partner 2: run 100-m, fast pace

Specific Warm-Up:
Sandbag Review

For time with a partner:
1600-m run
1200-m sandbag carry
1600-m run
– Split the runs in 200-m increments.
– Split the carry as needed.

Intended Stimulus: 20-30 Minutes

Same as Rx

For time with a partner:
800-m run
800-m sandbag carry
800-m run
– Split the runs in 200-m increments.
– Split the carry as needed.

For time with a partner:
1600-m run
1200-m weighted carry
1600-m run
– Split the runs in 200-m increments.
– Split the carry as needed.

Movement scaling options:
Sandbag carry: Load, med ball carry, plate carry, DB carry, KB front-rack carry, dual kb front-rack carry
Run: Distance, substitutions
Running: 2400-m C2 bike, 3600-m Assault or Echo bike, 1000-m row

Individual option:
For time:
800-m row
600-m sandbag carry
800-m row

Cool down:
1 set:
:30 standing hamstring stretch/side
:30 pigeon stretch/side
:30 standing hamstring stretch/side
1:00 saddle stretch