Sunday January 14, 2024

“You are never too old to reinvent yourself.” -Steve Harvey 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
2:00 jump rope (any style)

1 set:
:20 hollow hold
:20 Superman hold
20 plank shoulder taps
5-10 ring rows or 1-5 strict pull-ups

1 set:
:20 hollow hold
:20 Superman hold
10 shoulder taps, feet elevated on a wall or box
5-10 ring rows or 1-5 strict pull-ups

EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | 3 bar muscle-ups
Min. 2 | :45 max distance handstand walk

EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | 4-6 jumping muscle-ups
Min. 2 | :45 handstand walk attempts

EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | 6 ring rows + 6 elevated push-ups
Min. 2 | 4 ring rows + 4 hand-elevated push-ups

Home Workout: 
EMOM 20:
Min. 1 | 3 wall walks
Min. 2 | :45 max distance handstand walk
Min. 3 | 20 hollow rocks
Min. 4 | :45 max-distance handstand walk

Movement scaling options:
Bar muscle ups: Reps, jumping muscle-ups, ring rows + push-ups
Handstand walks: Attempts, handstand shoulder taps on the wall, plank shoulder taps

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 tricep lacrosse ball mash/side
1:00 lat lacrosse ball mash/side