Sunday August 18, 2024

“A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.” -Unknown

Warm Up: 
1 round:
20 jumping jacks
10 scap pull-ups
10 box step-ups
10 PVC pass-throughs
20 jumping jacks
10 scap pull-ups
10 box step-ups
10 PVC around the worlds
20 jumping jacks
10 scap pull-ups
10 box jumps
10 PVC behind-the-neck snatch grip presses

Specific Warm-Up / Skill Work: 
1 round:
5 box jump-overs
4 hang power snatches
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Use workout variations.

For time:
50 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
40 hang power snatches (55/75 lb)
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
– Step down from the box.

Intended Stimulus: 5-8 Minutes

For time:
50 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
30 hang power snatches (55/75 lb)
30 pull-ups
– Step down from the box.

For time:
40 box step-overs (12/20 in)
30 hang power snatches (35/45 lb)
20 ring rows
– Step down from the box.

Home Workout: 
For time:
50 object jump-overs (20/24 in)
40 alternating dumbbell hang power snatches (35/50 lb)
30 burpees to a target (12 in)

Movement scaling options:
Box jump overs: Reps, box height, step-overs
Hang power snatches: Load, reps, hang power cleans
Chest to bar pull-ups: Pull-ups, ring rows

Cool down / Post-Workout Skill Work: 
1 set:
1:00 scorpion stretch/side
1:00 banded overhead external rotation stretch/side