Saturday July 6, 2024

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”– Haruki Murakami

Warm Up: 
1 set:
50 single-unders (cap at :30)
5 deadlifts to mid-thigh (shoulders stay over the bar)
6 alternating Samson stretch lunges
– Hold the bottom of each lunge for :01.

1 set:
:30 single-single-double
5 muscle cleans (stand completely, then shrug and pull with the arms)
8 counterbalance plate squats
– Hold the bottom of each squat for :01.

1 set:
1:00 double-under practice (limit of 50 reps)
5 power cleans (jump and shrug once the bar reaches the thighs)
10 front squats
– Hold the bottom of each squat for :01.

Run Test:
1 set:
400m Run

Skill Work: 
On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a heavy 1 squat clean + 2 front squats

3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
100 double-unders
10 front squats (155/225 lb)

Intended Stimulus: 12-18 Minutes

3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
2:00 double-under attempts
10 front squats (105/155 lb)

3 rounds for time:
Run 300 m
50 single-unders
10 front squats (55/75 lb)

Home Workout: 
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
100 double-unders
20 double-dumbbell front squats  (35/50 lb)
– Substitute lateral hops over a line if no jump rope is available.

Movement scaling options:
Run: Pace, distance, substitutions
Double-unders:Reps, attempts, single-unders
Front squat: Load, kettlebell goblet squats (front rack limitation)

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 calf roll/side
1:00 quad foam roll/side