Saturday July 15, 2023

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —J. K. Rowling

Warm Up: 
4 sets:
:20 air squats
:10 straight arm burpees

:30 rest

4 sets:
:20 bottom of squat hold
:10 burpees

Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
2 touch-and-go clean and jerks

7 sets for load:
2 clean and jerks
– Lift once every 3:00.

Same as Rx

7 sets for load:
3 clean and jerks

AMRAP 1 x 5 sets:
5 DB deadlifts
5 DB hang power cleans
5 DB shoulder-to-overhead
Max-rep DB ground-to-overhead
– Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs.

Movement scaling options:
Clean and Jerk: Load, hang clean and jerk, power clean and jerk, DB clean and jerk

Limited equipment option:
7 sets for load:
10 DB clean and jerks
– Lift once every 3:00.
– Touch-and-go reps.

Cool down:
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/leg
1:00 active bar hang