Saturday December 17, 2022

“The word can’t cannot be in your vocabulary “ Janis Burl

Warm Up: 
10 sets:
100-m row

Skill Work: 
5 sets for quality:
5 snatch push presses
5 hang muscle snatches
– Rest :60 between sets.

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Partner 1: 250/300-m row
Partner 2: 12 hang power snatches (75/115 lb)
– Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed.
– Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating.

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Partner 1: 250/300-m row
Partner 2: 12 hang power snatches (55/75 lb)
– Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed.
– Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating.

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Partner 1: 250/300-m row
Partner 2: 10 hang power snatches (35/45 lb)
– Partners rotate after the row and snatches are completed.
– Partners perform 5 synchronized bar-facing burpees before rotating.

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Partner 1: 300-m run
Partner 2: 20 DB hang power snatches
– Partners rotate after the run and snatches are completed.
– Partners perform 5 synchronized DB-facing burpees before rotating.

AMRAP 20 with a partner:
Partner 1: 300-m run
Partner 2: 20 jumps onto, or over, an object
– Partners rotate after the run and snatches are completed.
– Partners perform 5 synchronized DB-facing burpees before rotating.

Movement scaling options:
Row: Distance, run, skierg, or bike
Hang power snatch: Load, hang power clean (overhead limitation), DB snatch, DB clean
Bar facing burpees: Burpees (not over the bar), up-downs, box step-ups

Individual option:
4 sets:
250/300-m row
12 hang power snatches (75/115 lb)
6 bar-facing burpees
– Rest 2:00 between sets.

Row substitutions | 200-m run, 250/300-m skierg, 500/600-m C2 bike, 600/750-m Assault or Echo bike

Cool down: 
2 sets:
:30 standing pike stretch
:30 scorpion stretch/side