Monday September 25, 2023

“Be consistent and persistent.” – The voice of romwod 

Warm Up: 
2 sets:
:30 alternating groiners
– Rest :15
:30 lateral hand shuffle + push-up
– Rest :15
:30 wall squats
– Rest :15

Specific Warm-Up:
4 sets:
5 thrusters (light)
5 thrusters (light-to-moderate)
3 thrusters (moderate)
2 thrusters (5-10 lb under starting load)
– Rest 1:00 between sets.

EMOM 20:
2 thrusters
– Barbell starts on the floor. Add weight every 5:00.

Same as Rx

Same as Rx

Home Workout: 
EMOM 20:
5 burpees
5 DB thrusters
– Complete both movements each minute.
– Score is the slowest round.

Movement scaling options:
Thruster: Load, DB options, front squats, push presses

Cool down:
1 set:
:30 lat roll/side
:30 quad roll/side