Monday June 17, 2024

“Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.” –Robin Sharma

Warm Up: 
1 set:
1:00 bike
:30 push-ups from the knees
:30 ring rows
:30 air squats
:30 scap pull-ups

1 set:
1:00 bike
:30 push-ups
:30 ring rows
:30 air squats
:30 strict pull-ups

Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
5 power cleans
– Perform touch-and-go reps.
– Rest as needed between sets.

EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (105/155 lb)
Min 2 | 9/12 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 5 strict pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 air squats

EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (105/155 lb)
Min 2 | 9/12 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 5 strict pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 air squats

EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5 power cleans (105/155 lb)
Min 2 | 9/12 cals Echo bike
Min 3 | 5 strict pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 15 air squats

Home Workout: 
EMOM 18:
Min 1 | 5-10 dumbbell power cleans
Min 2 | 12 burpees
Min 3 | 5 dumbbell bent-over rows + 10 push-ups + 15 air squats
– Use two dumbbells (35/50 lb).

Movement scaling options:
Power clean: Load, hang power clean, dumbbell hang power cleans
Echo bike: Calories, Assault or C2 bike, row, SkiErg
Strict pull up: Reps, ring row
Push up: Reps, ring row
Air squat; Reps, squats to a target

Cool down:
2:00 reach, roll, and lift