Monday July 19, 2021

“Later = never. Do it now.” -Anonymous

Primer: EMOM x 9
Min 1: Bike
Min 2: 6 Push Ups + 12 Air Squats
Min 3: 3-5 Thrusters + 20s Dead Hang

Mobility: Warrior Squat | Pigeon Pose 

Strength: EMOM x 5 –  5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters 
Climbing in Weight 

WOD: Unfriendly Fran: On The 4 x 5 Rounds 
15 Cal Bike
12 Chest to bar
9 Thrusters @ 115/85 

*Score is slowest round

No C2B: 12 KBS @ 70/53
Row: 20/18 Cal Row (partner up on the bike before rowing) 

Decrease reps to:
Appropriate total volume
To finish around 2-3 Minutes per round.

DB Version: On The 4 x 5 Rds
15 Cal Bike
12 Chest to bar Pull Ups 
9 Double DB Thrusters @ 50/35

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
15 Cal Row 
12 Russian KB Swings @ 53/35
9 Tempo Waiters Squats @53/35

No Equipment:
200M Run
12 Pull Ups