Monday August 22, 2022

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” -Earl Nightingale

Warm Up: 
1 set:
30 sit-ups
20 alternating plank reach throughs
10 cat-cow stretches
:30 row (easy pace)

1 set:
10 good mornings (empty barbell)
10 back rack lunges
:30 row (moderate pace)

1 set:
10 hang muscle cleans (empty barbell)
10 back squats
1:00 row (fast pace)

Specific Warm-Up: 
3 sets:
5 hang power cleans
5 deadlifts

For time:
30 hang power cleans (65/95 lb)
40 deadlifts
400/500-m row

For time:
30 hang power cleans (55/75 lb)
40 deadlifts
400/500-m row

For time:
30 hang power cleans (35/45 lb)
40 deadlifts
250/300-m row

For time:
30 DB hang power cleans
40 DB deadlifts
500-m run with DB

For time:
30 v-ups
40 double-knee tucks in plank
50 burpees

Movement scaling options: 
Hang power cleans: Load, DB hang power clean
Deadlift: Load, DB deadlift, weighted lunge (low back injury)
Row: Distance, C2 bike, Echo bike, run, Skierg (last option)

Partner option:
For time:
60 hang power cleans (65/95 lb)
80 deadlifts
800/1,000-m row
– Rest partner must hold the barbell in the front rack position during the row.

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
Every :30 for 10 sets:
2 power cleans
– Must be touch and go reps.